GCC LNA ~ Volume 1: Chicago, Volume 2: Death & Prom, Volume 3: How to Magic
is an annually self-published anthology of short stories. It is produced by the women of Graham Cracker Comics
Ladies’ Night and has continued to be successfully funded through the crowdfunding source, IndieGoGo.
Two Cities (LNA vol.1) ~ story by Caitlin Rosberg, illustrated by Lisa Kwon
The Vampire Hunters of Lincoln Park (LNA vol.1) ~ story by Lauren Burke, illustrated by Lisa Kwon
Dead Technology (LNA vol.2) ~ story by Megan Byrd, illustrated by Lisa Kwon
cover (LNA vol.3) ~ logo by Amanda Schwarz, design & rendering by Lisa Kwon
submissions ~ artist submissions for each volume.
Interested in owning your very own anthology? Great! Please check out:
Graham Cracker Comics Ladies’ Night Anthology